President Andrew Jackson: I apprehend you taught us how to spin, so as to rival massive Britain in her manufactures; you set whatsoever these thousands of spindles at work, which I deem been delighted in viewing, and which impart make so many happy, by a paying(prenominal) employment. Samuel slater: Yes Sir. I suppose that I gave out the psalm and they have been singing to the tune ever since. George S. White, Memoir of Samuel slater Broke at Birth: the Statess Other Revolution America was natural bankrupt. We won the war, but lost everything else. Our economy had be yened to Great Britain. The course military support that helped us beat the British had been a loan, not a gift. Americans thought it a big(p) diagonal of luck when Frances revolution eliminated the government with whom wed cut the original deal. When Napoleon suggested we repay our war debt, we shrugged our incarnate shoulders and say What debt? Our shipping industry was in its infancy. Th e British, the big soreheads, command the seas and were mold to share it with us and it would be a long cartridge clip until we could challenge them. The new-born United States of America was miss elements that are broadly speaking viewed as essential to a nation. Missing were factories, a cardinal bank, money, credit, a constitution, and a interchange government.

The slave trade thrived because it was highly fat. From north to south, slavery made people rich not the slaves, of course. Others, such as impertinent England sea captains and plantation owners profited hugely. Its not hard to understand w hy they were reluctant to do the right thing! and bring it up. Parting the rich from their ancestry of wealth invariably involves bloodshed. Slaves, rum, and sugar, in what was known as the trigon trade was the most profitable enterprise in the new-sprung(a) as yet dis-United States, but it was not a step-up industry and offered few entry-level job opportunities. so while great minds debated the constitution, everyone else was...If you want to get a honest essay, order it on our website:
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